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Key-value pairs

Braze enables you to send extra data payloads to user devices via key-value pairs. This feature is available across push, in-app, email, and Content Card messaging channels.

Extra data payloads can help you update internal metrics and app content as well as customize push notification properties, such as alert prioritization, localization, and sounds.

Push notifications

Key-value pairs can also be added to Android, iOS, and web push notifications. In the message composer, select the Settings tab, click Add New Pair, and specify your key-value pairs.


Apple Push Notification service (APNs) supports setting alert preferences and sending custom data using key-value pairs. APNs makes use of the Apple-reserved aps library, which includes predetermined keys and values that govern alert properties.

APS library
Key Value Type Value Description
alert string or dictionary object For string inputs, displays an alert with the string as the message with Close and View buttons; for non-string inputs, displays an alert or banner depending on the input’s child properties
badge number Governs the number that is displayed as the badge on the app icon
sound string The name of the sound file to play as an alert; must be in the app’s bundle or Library/Sounds folder
content-available number Input values of 1 signal to the app the availability of new information upon launch or session resumption
Alert properties library
Key Value Type Value Description
title string A short string that Apple Watch displays briefly as part of a notification
body string The push notification’s content
title-loc-key string or null A key that sets the title string for the current localization from the Localizable.strings file
title-loc-args array of strings or null String values that can appear in place of the title localization format specifiers in title-loc-key
action-loc-key array of string or null If present, the specified string sets the localization for the Close and View buttons
loc-key string or null A key that sets the notification message for the current localization from the Localizable.strings file
loc-args array of strings String values that can appear in place of the localization format specifiers in loc-key
launch-image strings The name of an image file in the app bundle you wish to be used as the launch image when users tap the action button or move the action slide

The Braze message composer automatically handles the creation of the following keys: alert and its properties, content-available, sound, and category.

These values can be input in the Settings tab when building a push message. Select Alert Options and select an alert dictionary key for the key to be automatically populated in a new key-value entry.

When Braze sends a push notification to APNs, the payload will be formatted as a JSON.

Simple Payload

    "aps" : { "alert" : "Message received from Spencer" },

Complex Payload

    "aps" : {
        "alert" : {
            "body" : "Hi, welcome to our app!",
            "loc-key" : "France",
            "loc-args" : ["Bonjour", "bienvenue"],
            "action-loc-key" : "Button_Type_1",
            "launch-image" : "Paris"
        "content-available" : 1
Custom key-value pairs

In addition to the aps library payload values, you may send custom key-value pairs to a user’s device. The values in these pairs are restricted to primitive types: dictionary (object), array, string, number, and Boolean.

Use-cases for custom key-value pairs include but are not limited to internal metrics keeping and setting the context for the user interface. Braze allows you to send additional key-value pairs along with a push notification to be used however you so via your application within the extras key. If you prefer to use another key, ensure that your app can handle this custom key.

Apple advises clients to avoid including customer information or any sensitive data as custom payload data. Furthermore, Apple recommends that any action associated with an alert message should not delete data on a device.

API-triggered campaigns

Braze allows you to send custom-defined string key-value pairs, known as extras. To access your extras in API-triggered and scheduled API-triggered campaigns, in the dashboard set a key as “example_key”, and a value as "$json:{"foo": 1, "bar": 1}". This will result in a developer console output of "extras": { "test": { "foo": 1, "bar": 1 }


Braze allows you to send send additional data payloads in push notifications using key-value pairs.

Data payload

Similar to iOS push, you may send custom key-value pairs to a user’s device.

Some use cases for custom key-value pairs include internal metrics keeping and setting the context for the user interface, but they may be used for whatever purpose you choose.

API-triggered campaigns

Braze allows you to send custom-defined string key-value pairs, known as extras. To access your extras in API-triggered and scheduled API-triggered campaigns, in the dashboard set a key as “example_key”, and a value as "$json:{"foo": 1, "bar": 1}". This will result in a developer console output of "extras": { "test": { "foo": 1, "bar": 1 }.

FCM messaging options

Android push notifications can be further customized with FCM message options. These include notification priority, sound, delay, lifespan, and collapsibility. These values can be specified in the Settings tab when creating a push message. Refer to Advanced push notification settings for further instructions on how to set these options in the Braze message composer.

Silent push notifications

A silent push notification is a push notification containing no alert message or sound, used to update your app’s interface or content in the background. These notifications make use of key-value pairs to trigger these background app actions. Silent push notifications also power our uninstall tracking.

Marketers should test that silent push notifications trigger expected behavior before sending them to their app’s users. After you compose your iOS or Android silent push notification, ensure that you only target a test user by filtering on external user ID or email address.

Upon campaign launch, you should check that you have not received any visible push notification on your test device.

In-app messages

To add a key-value pair to an in-app message, select the Settings tab in the message composer, click Add New Pair, and specify your key-value pairs.

API-triggered campaigns

Braze allows you to send custom-defined string key-value pairs, known as extras. To access your extras in API-triggered and scheduled API-triggered campaigns, in the dashboard set a key as “example_key”, and a value as "$json:{"foo": 1, "bar": 1}". This will result in a developer console output of "extras": { "test": { "foo": 1, "bar": 1 }.


Both SparkPost and SendGrid support key-value pairs in emails. If you use SendGrid, key-value pairs will be sent as unique arguments. SendGrid allows you to attach an unlimited number of key-value pairs up to 10,000 bytes of data. These key-value pairs can be seen in posts from the SendGrid Event Webhook.

Sending Info tab of the email message composer in Braze.

Content Cards

To add a key-value pair to a Content Card, go to the Settings tab in the Braze message composer and click Add New Pair.

Add key-value pair to Content Card

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