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Regex reference sheet

This page serves as a quick reference guide for regular expression, including common tokens, meta sequences, general tokens, group constants, and more.

Common tokens  
A single character of: a, b, or c [abc]
A character except: a, b, or c [^abc]
A character in the range: a-z [a-z]
A character not in range: a-z [^a-z]
A character in the range: a-z or A-Z [a-zA-Z]
Any single character .
Any whitespace character \s
Any non-whitespace character \S
Any digit \d
Any non-digit \D
Any word character \w
Any non-word character \W
Capture enclosed (...)
Match either a or b (a|b)
Zero or one of a a?
Zero or more of a a*
One or more of a a+
Exactly 3 of a a{3}
Between 3 and 6 of a a{3,6}
Start of string ^
End of string $
A word boundary \n
None-word boundary \B
Meta sequence  
Any Unicode sequences, line breaks included \X
Match one data unit \C
Unicode newlines \R
Vertical whitespace character \v
Negation of \v \V
Horizontal whitespace character \h
Negation of \h \H
Reset match \K
Match nth sub-pattern \n
Unicode property X \pX
Negation of \pX \PX
Unicode property or script category \p{...}
Negation of \p \P{...}
Quote; treat as liberals \Q...|E
Match sub-pattern ‘name’ \k<name>
Match sub-pattern ‘name’ \k'name'
Match sub-pattern ‘name’ \k{name}
Match nth sub-pattern \gn
Match nth sub-pattern \g{n}
Recurse nth capture group \g<n>
Recurse nth capture group \g'n'
Match nth relative previous sub-pattern \g{-n}
Recurse nth relative upcoming sub-pattern \g<+n>
Match nth relative upcoming submitter \g'+n'
Recursive names capture group 'letter'
Match previously-named capture group ‘letter’ \g{letter}
Recurses names capture group ‘letter’ \g<letter>
Hex character YY \xYY
Hex character YYYY \x{YYYY}
Octal character ddd \ddd
Control character Y \cY
Backspace character [\b]
Makes any character literal \
General tokens  
Newline \n
Carriage return \r
Tab \t
Null character \0
Character class modifiers  
A single character of: a, b, or c [abc]
A character except: a, b, or c [^abc]
A character in the range: a-z [a-z]
A character not in range: a-z [^a-z]
A character in the range: a-z or A-Z [a-zA-Z]
Letters and digits [:alnum:]
Letters [:alpha:]
ASCII codes 0-127 [:ascii:]
Space or tab only [:blank:]
Control characters [:cntrl:]
Digits [:digit:]
Visible characters (not space) [:word:]
Lowercase letters [:xdigit:]
Uppercase letters [:<:]
Word characters [:>:]
Group constants  
Capture everything enclosed (...)
Match either a or b (a|b)
Match everything enclosed (?:...)
Atomic grouping (non-capturing) (?>...)
Duplicate sub-pattern group number (?|...)
Comment (?#...)
For case insensitivity (?i)
Named capturing group (?'name'...)
Named capturing group (?<name>...)
Named capturing group (?P<name>...)
Inline modifiers (?imsxXU)
Conditional statements (?(1)yes|no)
Recursive conditional statements (?(R#)yes|no)
Conditional statement (?(R&name)yes|no)
Lookahead conditional (?(?=...)yes|no)
Lookbehind conditional (?(?<=...)yes|no)
Recurse entire pattern (?R)
Recurse first sub-pattern (?1)
Recurse first relative subpattern (?+1)
Recurse subpattern ‘name’ (?&name)
Match subpattern ‘name’ (?P=name)
Recurse subpattern ‘name’ (?P>name)
Pre-define patterns before use (?(DEFINE)...)
Positive lookahead (?=...)
Negative lookahead (?!...)
Positive lookbehind (?<=...)
Negative lookbehind (?<!...)
Control verb (*ACCEPT)
Control verb (*FAIL)
Control verb (*MARK:NAME)
Control verb (*COMMIT)
Control verb (*PRUNE)
Control verb (*SKIP)
Control verb (*THEN)
Pattern modifier (*UTF)
Pattern modifier (*UTF8)
Pattern modifier (*UTF16)
Pattern modifier (*UTF32)
Pattern modifier (*UCP)
Line break modifier (*CR)
Line break modifier (*LF)
Line break modifier (*CRLF)
Line break modifier (*ANYCRLF)
Line break modifier (*ANY)
Line break modifier \R
Line break modifier (*BSR_ANYCRLF)
Line break modifier (*BSR_UNICODE)
Regex engine modifier (*LIMIT_MATCH=x)
Regex engine modifier (*LIMIT_RECURSION=d)
Regex engine modifier (*NO_AUTO_POSSESS)
Regex engine modifier (*NO_START_OPT)
Zero or one of a a?
Zero or more of a a*
One or more of a a+
Exactly 3 of a a{3}
3 or more of a a{3,}
Between 3 and 6 of a a{3,6}
Greedy quantifier a*
Lazy quantifier a*?
Possessive quanitifer a*+
Start of match \G
Start of string ^
End of string $
Start of string \A
End of string \Z
Absolute end of string \z
A word boundary \b
A non-word boundary \B
Flags and modifiers  
Global g
Multiline m
Case-sensitive l
Ignore whitespace x
Single line s
Unicode u
Extended X
Ungreedy U
Anchor A
Duplicate group names J
Complete match contents \0
Contents in capture group 1 \1 or $1
Contents in capture group foo ${foo}
Hexidecimal replacement values \x20, \x{06fa}
Tab \t
Carriage return \r
Newline \n
Form-feed \f
Uppercase transformation \U
Lowercase transformation \L
Terminate any transformation \E
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