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Saving drafts for Canvas

As you create and launch Canvases, you can edit an active Canvas and save it as a draft, allowing you to pilot your changes before another launch.

If you have an active Canvas that requires large-scale changes, you can use this feature to create drafts for these edits. As with any Canvas, only one user can edit a draft at a time.

An example draft Canvas with a banner that indicates to the user that they're editing a draft Canvas with an option to view the active Canvas. The footer has options to go back to the analytics view, save as draft, or launch draft.

You can create drafts within an active Canvas to build, save, and quality-check prior to launching these changes in the active Canvas. A Canvas can only have one draft at a time. These drafts don’t have any analytics since the draft changes haven’t been launched yet.

To create a draft, go to an active Canvas and select the Save as Draft button in the Canvas footer. Note that edits to the active Canvas cannot be made while a draft of a Canvas exists. You can update the Canvas to apply changes or discard the draft.

To reference the active Canvas, select View Active Canvas in the footer from the analytics view or the Canvas header from the draft. To return to an active Canvas, select Edit Draft from the analytics view or the active Canvas view.

In-app message prioritization

For drafts of an active Canvas, the in-app message priority within the Canvas builder will be updated immediately when a user changes the priority. This means Canvas-level in-app message priority is applied to the active Canvas immediately, even when a draft exists.

However, step-level in-app message priority changes are saved as a draft and applied when the Canvas is updated. For example, in a Message step, the priority sorter will be updated when a user launches the draft since step settings apply at a step level.

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